
Showing posts from February, 2021

Ski Club of Great Britain

Ski Club of Great Britain  The Ski Club of Great Britain is the largest and oldest snows port  membership organisation in the UK, with over 26,000 members. Established  in 1903, over dinner at a fashionable restaurant in London (Cafe Royal), the Ski Club's  pur p ose  is to promote and protect safe, enjoyable and inspiring snows p orts experiences  for anyone  who loves snow. I had asked for membership of the Ski Club of Great Britain as a Christmas   p resent but when I found their ski leading service had sto p p ed I decided not to bother.  P reviously the Club had offered an in resort leading service but now that it had been sto p p ed I had no use of Ski Club membership. The Ski Club still had a presence in resorts but it was a re p  service they were now offering . The R e p s One of the resorts where there was a re p service was Saas-Fee. I was out in Saas-Fee for the winter season training for...